Friday, July 30, 2010

Quinn's veto pen not packing permanent ink

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn has been busy with his veto pen, although it likely won't be permanent.

Quinn issued his second veto of July this week, adding a provision to an ethics law that would allow voters to petition lawmakers for a vote on dormant legislation. Quinn said he's right by both the state Constitution and by voters.

Quinn said he is using his power to empower the people of Illinois. But University of Illinois at Springfield professor Kent Redfield said Quinn more likely is playing a bit of politics.

"These are pure posturing-before-the-election (vetoes)," Redfield said. "When we get to veto session it's unlikely that either would pass on their merits."

Redfield's comments were featured in a July 29, 2010, article by Illinois Statehouse News.

Download a PDF of the article