Tuesday, August 20, 2013

UIS athletics to host Backyard BBQ

The UIS Prairie Stars are hosting their second annual Backyard BBQ, a free event open to everyone, from 6-8 p.m. Saturday, August 24, 2013. It will take place on the north lawn of The Recreation and Athletic Center.

Lake Pointe Grill will provide free food. UIS sports teams will host “backyard” games like bean bag toss and washers. There will be prizes, a bounce house, face painting, an obstacle course and a live radio remote.

“We want it to be an event that attracts all ages,” UIS associate athletic director Travis Whipple said. “We really wanted it to be a bigger scale. We want it to be interactive. We want people to get to know our coaches and student athletes.”

The event was featured by The State Journal-Register on August 20, 2013.

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