About a year ago, Tad Huskey of Springfield was busy working two part-time jobs and taking three classes to wrap up his master’s degree in accounting at the University of Illinois Springfield.
"Sure, I was stressed... but it was my last year of school. What an exciting time," he said.
But life doesn't go by the academic calendar. Tad's mother, Diane Huskey, was diagnosed with cancer - again. Tad, of course, wanted to be at home in Vandalia as much as possible, and considered dropping a class he did not need to graduate - but it was too late in the semester to avoid having his transcript say he didn't finish a class he started.
Tad sought the opinion of Kim Hayden, director of the Graduate Public Service Internship Program, who had provided good advice in the past.
Kim is just one of a number of area residents who received a big "thank you" from readers of The State Journal-Register who wrote to us about mentors, coaches, loved ones and others who helped make those they helped the people they are today.
Huskey's story was featured in a October 3, 2010, article in The State Journal-Register.