Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ritual sacrifices: Holiday customs subject to change

For almost a decade, Ollie Rogers worked hard to keep her late mother's Thanksgiving tradition alive by cooking an elaborate feast for her family.

But this year, she's over it.

"I'm not going to be in the kitchen at all," said Rogers, 44, who has happily turned the stove and saucepans over to her 22-year-old daughter. "I'm going to have my feet up and I'm just going to watch."

Her daughter, Ashley Price, is an avid cook who began experimenting in the kitchen while she was a student at the University of Illinois at Springfield. These days, she voluntarily cooks dinner every night for her brothers and stepfather while her mother works.

"Food always brings the people and family together. It keeps the heritage and family alive," said Price, who added that she'll insist that the family keep its other tradition of playing board games after dinner.

Price was featured in an November 22, 2011, article in the Chicago Tribune.

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